Transcription Home

Vinmed has been providing the highest quality transcription service by combining top class customer service, world class transcriptionists, and leading edge technologies. Our HIPAA-compliant internet based transcription system makes it possible to dictate and access medical reports anytime from anywhere possible. The AAMT standard 65 character line is used for billing.

Vinmed strives for achieving 100% accuracy and guarantees 99% or above. We have systems and processes in place that ensure that each document goes through two levels of Quality Assurance by senior staff after being transcribed. Our staff routinely attend training to keep up with advances in medical terminology and has access to the latest medical and drug references on CDs.

Turnaround Time
Vinmed is able to guarantee a verifiable turnaround for reports as agreed for each work type. Standard turnaround is 24 hours, but generally completed reports are delivered the next morning.

Dictation Options
Vinmed has in place a very sophisticated toll free dictation system that can handle up to 20,000 concurrent callers, guaranteeing that you will never get a busy tone. Physicians also have the option of using a Digital Voice Recorder which can be connected to a PC for a single click upload of voice files.

Report Access Options
Vinmed provides WebEMR, a state of the art Electronic Medical Record system at no extra charge. This allows physicians, medical records and billing staff to securely access, edit, and print reports using any computer on the internet. A versatile Chart Locator system is provided which can search for reports based on medical record number, patient first and last name, date of visit or work type.